The third novel in the “Southern Redemption Series,” The Sun Seeker, will be released this fall. In an attempt to help others, Jeff Radcliffe uses a natural talent: his ability as a marksman. Reconnecting with Marcel Renaud in Europe, Jeff joins a secretive team of military contractors who protect and save innocent people from terrorists and kidnappers.
Assigned to North Africa and the Middle East, Jeff quickly adapts to his new profession and begins to pay back old debts. While Jeff attempts to put down roots in Southern France, his first-cousin, Cooper, has not given up his relentless search for Jeff’s whereabouts. Cooper has made a vow of his own: to return Jeff to the United States to stand trial for the murder of his wife, Elise Heath.
This is the cover of The Sun Seeker, painted by Charleston, South Carolina artist, Rick Reinert.